
This service allows you convert data in different ways (Plant text, Binary, Decimal, Hexidecimal, Base64). Also it calculate check sum with crc32, md5, sha1, ripemd128 and gost algorithms. Default text codepage: windows-1251. UTF is not supported yet.


[ Text ]
[ Binary ]
[ Hex ]
[ Base64 ]
[ Dec ]
[ Message digest / Check sum ]

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Convert from plain text to bin binary. Convert from plain text to hex hexadecimal. Convert from plain text to dec decimal. Convert from plain text to base64. Convert from bin binary to plain text. Convert from bin binary to hex hexadecimal. Convert from bin binary to dec decimal. Convert from bin binary to base64. Convert from hex hexadecimal to plain text. Convert from hex hexadecimal to bin binary. Convert from hex hexadecimal to dec decimal. Convert from hex hexadecimal to base64. Convert from dec decimal to plain text. Convert from dec decimal to bin binary. Convert from dec decimal to hex hexadecimal. Convert from dec decimal to base64. Convert from base64 to plain text. Convert from base64 to bin binary. Convert from base64 to hex hexadecimal. Convert from base64 to dec decimal. Convert from plain text to crc32. Convert from plain text to md5. Convert from plain text to sha1. Convert from plain text to ripemd128. Convert from plain text to gost.

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